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Eye Cancer in Cattle (ocular squamous cell carcinoma)

Hello Friends, 
        Today we will discuss about Eye Cancer in Cattle .
The most common type of tumor or 'cancer eye' in cattle is squamous cell carcinoma. 
. Its a Cancer occuring on the eye & eyelid
. Older cattle are more susceptible to cancer eye, with the disease being uncommon in cows under five years of age. (Mostly found over 5-6 years old cattle).
 Now question is that ....
 How to diagnose "Cancer eye" in Cattle?
 (1) The tumours are found most commonly on the third eyelid.
 (2) Small, circular, white elevation on the surface of the eyeball.
 (3) wart-like growth on the eyelids, often with discharge
 (4) You can see cauliflower-like.  Structure that is bloody, ulcerated, friable, and foul smelling.

Etiology of ocular squamous cell carcinoma:-

(1) pigmentation.
(2) Age(more than 5 years are more susceptible).
(3) Exposure to sunlight (UV radiation).
(4) Breed

Treatment of Cancer Eye:-

The success of treatment is highly dependent on the location of the tumor and invasion of surrounding tissues.
(1) Cryotherapy:-
 . Cryotherapy is a very useful therapeutic tool work on small tumors (less than 2 cm diameter)

(2) Radiation:--
Radiation therapy is not practical in the field but may be an option for valuable animals.
(3) Immunotherapy:
-Immunotherapy is still experimental 

(4) Surgical procedure:-

Step: 1
 Clean the area by using Blade.
Step: 2
Desensitized the area by giving 2% Lignocaine ( Local Anaesthesia) 

Step: 3
Used suture matterial in a  Interlocking pattern for holding tissue during expiration.
Step: 4
Skin incision Removal of Eye tissue  with cancerous mass. 

 Step: 5
After removing cancer mass dead area packed with iodine gauze.

Step: 6
skin suture in Horizontal mattress.

Step: 7
Antibiotics & NSAIDS given repeatedly for a week.

Note:- For more information click on the link πŸ‘‡

Prevention and Control of Cancer Eye 

 . Routine inspection of All Cows (Aged More Than 6     Years Old) .
 (1) it is Important to Always Check Both Eyes.
(2) Multiple lesions identification of plaques,papillomas & keratomas is preferable as these early stages.
(3) All treated animals should be closely observed on a regular basis for recurrence.

                              Thank you


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