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8 Things to know before adopting a pet dog πŸ•

Hello Friends,
Are you thinking of adopting dog ?

 1.Make sure you really want a dog? . 

 2.Which breed is right for you taken. 

 3.Take history before choose puppy or     dog . should have  veterinaria for   routine check-up of dog.

 5. Needed a proper place in house for dog .

6.provide ample opportunity to exercise 

 7.proper Grooming & Nail trimming .

 8. Communicate with your dog &     develop  relationship.


(1)Make sure you really want a dog? 

About dog

:-Deciding to get a dog should not be an impulsive choice.
:-Owning a dog is not all fun and games. They can be expensive, energetic, messy, strong-willed and noisy.
:- You need to really consider if you are ready for a long-term commitment.
:-You might be crazy about dogs

(2) Which breed is right for you taken.


:- you need to figure out before getting a dog if you want a puppy or an older dog, as well as what breed of dog would suit you best. 

:- First of all you should clear what's your need i means u need a dog for working purpose or utility purpose or loyality.

:- A little puppy is always cute and fun, but they typically have a lot of energy and will need plenty of attention.

:- An adult dog may not need as much maintenance as a puppy, but it may have some habits that still need some training.

(3) Take history before choose puppy or dog .

:- You should know about the parental history of adopted puppy or dog as well as you should know about the physical health of your pet .

(4) you should have a veterinaria for   routine check-up of dog.


:- You are now responsible for the dog’s wellbeing. 

:- An important aspect of this includes regular checkups with veterinarian 

:- Veterinarian will provide you with the information on vaccination schedules, deworming and external parasite control.

 5. Needed a proper place in house for dog .

:- It might be a better idea to keep your dog in a specific area in your house where it cannot do too much damage or get hurt.

:- Make sure that the exploration areas are safe.

6.provide ample opportunity to exercise 


:- Make sure your dog gets the regular exercise needed to enabke it to be fit.

:-Your dog will be more capable participating in the activities that it enjoy.

7.proper Grooming & Nail trimming.


:- Long coated dogs are prone to developing matts and ice balls in their hair. 

:- Overgrown nails are common in elderly dogs and can make it more difficult for them to walk.

:-  In addition, such nails are much more prone to breaking, which can be quite painful 

 8. Communicate with your dog &     develop  relationship.

:- Dogs are social creatures and they need to interact with their owner.

:-  Quality time will help you get to know your dog and understand  particular needs that it might have, as well enhance your ability to recognize early signs of an illness that could be developing.


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